Posts Tagged: weed
Foraging on Capeweed
Honey bees and native bees love capeweed, Arctotheca calendula, also called South African capeweed, cape dandelion and cape marigold or...
Native bees foraging on capeweed. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
Keep Common Groundsel Uncommon!
As you're thinking about winter weed management in alfalfa production, keep in mind the need for common groundsel control. Groundsel (Senecio...
A Pain in the Asteraceae - Identifying Important Winter Weeds in Alfalfa
The first step in developing a successful weed management program is being able to properly identify the species that are infesting a field. But why?...
Spiny buttercup: A toxic weed and host for tomato spotted wilt virus
Spiny buttercup (Ranunculus muricatus) is a non-native plant, that is fairly common, especially in wet areas such as meadows. We also find it in...
Common Purslane - Problems and Management in Alfalfa Fields
We have become aware that common purslane (Portulaca oleracea, Fig. 1) is an increasing problem in alfalfa fields, particularly during the months of...