Posts Tagged: medical entomology
Congrats, Medical Entomologist and Humanitarian Thomas Scott
Congratulations to UC Davis medical entomologist and humanitarian Thomas W. Scott, selected as one of the world's Highly Cited...
Medical entomologist Thomas Scott studies Aedes aegypti, a mosquito known for transferring dengue and other diseases. (CDC Photo)
A Salute to a Special Veteran, Medical Entomologist Robert Washino, 88
It's Veterans' Day and what better day than today to salute noted medical entomologist Robert Washino, 88, a U.S. Army veteran? When you say "Thank...
Lt. Robert Washino (front left) served as a medical entomologist in the Korean War, seeing duty with the U.S. Army Medical Service Corps from 1956 to 1958.
Lt. Robert Washino (far right) served with the U.S. Army Medical Corps from 1956 to 1958 during the Korean War.
Medical entomologist Lt Robert Washino working in a lab south of Paris during the Korean War.
Consider the Tsetse Fly: That's the Subject of a UC Davis Seminar on March 14
Consider the tsetse fly. The tsetse fly (Glossina genus), found in sub-Saharan Africa, transmits Trypanosomiasis, a parasitic disease that we...
This amazing photo of a tsetse fly (Glossina genus) is the work of UC Davis medical entomologist Geoffrey Attardo. His lab "uses a combination of biochemistry, molecular genetics and cell biology to study the interactions between African trypanosomes and tsetse flies." (Image by Geoffrey Attardo)
What's Medical Entomology?
What's medical entomolology? Anyone who's an entomologist or who works in entomology is asked that question periodically. Medical, they know....
Thomas Scott in Kenya
Mosquito that tranmits dengue