Posts Tagged: malaria mosquito
Just a Matter of Time
It was just a matter of time. It was just a matter of time before the so-called "super mosquito" surfaced, resulting in the failure of...
Medical entomologist Laura Norris (right side of table, second from top) works with a night's catch of mosquitoes in Mali.
UC Davis medical entomologist Anthony Cornel (left) emerges from a hut in Mali.
Targeting the Malaria Mosquito
If you're a research scientist studying the malaria mosquito, or interested in genomics, you'll want to attend a seminar on Wednesday, April 17 at...
The malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae. (Photo by Anthony Cornel)
World Malaria Day at UC Davis
Mark your calendars for a sobering experience.The University of California,Davis, will observe World Malaria Day with a daylong retreat showcasing UC...
Anopheles gambiae
Battling Malaria
Malaria is indeed a global terrorist. The disease, caused by the parasite...
Win Surachetpong and Shirley Luckhart
Malaria Mosquito