Capitol Corridor
University of California
Capitol Corridor

Solano County - Lost or Deceased Animals

Lost Animals
Many lost and found animals are being transported to the Solano County Fairgrounds (large animals), and the Dixon May Fair (small animals and pets).

Large Animals
Solano County Fairgrounds
Small Animals and Pets
Dixon May Fair

Looking for a lost animal or found a stray?  Please contact the appropriate site above for assistance. 

Handling of Deceased Pets and Livestock
If you find that your pet or animal did not survive the fire, please refer to the guidelines outlined below to handle the remains of your pets or animals in a manner that is safe and environmentally responsible.

Disposing of Pet Remains:
You may choose to do this yourself by following the steps below. The risk to humans from animal remains is low if proper precautions are taken. Practice proper hand washing to prevent infection with certain pathogens that may be transmitted from farm animals, including Salmonella and E. coli. Please use soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, rinse under clean water and pat hands dry on a clean towel.

  • Wear gloves.
  • Cover your gloved hand with a plastic trash bag, pick up the remains, then invert the trash bag over the remains and seal the bag.
  • For larger animals, use a shovel to place remains inside a plastic trash bag, then rinse off the shovel with water.
  • Place the sealed remains in any regular trash or recycling receptacle – even if the receptacle is damaged for removal from the property.
    You may choose to bury the animal(s) on your property. Take care to avoid digging near any water sources such as creeks, streams or ponds and avoid underground utility lines. If you do not know where the utility lines are located, check with your utility company before digging. Please place remains at an acceptable depth (about 3 feet) so they are not disturbed during weather events such as a heavy rain.
  • You may also contact your local Animal Control about removing the deceased pet for you.
    • Solano County Sheriff's Office Animal Control: (707) 784-4733

Disposing of Large Animal (including livestock) Remains:
Owners may take animal remains to an approved disposal facility or bury them onsite, according to the guidelines below. It’s important for environmental, health, and safety reasons to follow these procedures for the handling and disposal of animal remains.

Normally a license issued by the California Department of Food and Agriculture is required to haul dead animals. Under the emergency circumstances of the fire, individuals may haul dead animals to a landfill without a license

A list of licensed dead animal haulers can be found on this CDFA website. The following businesses are licensed by the California Department of Food and Agriculture to haul carcasses and are the closest to the LMU Fire affected areas. Please contact for availability and pricing.

  • Al Kuck Hauling, Petaluma, (707) 328-7401
  • One Last Ride, Oroville, (530) 990-2231
  • Janice Pementel, Livermore, (925) 997-1387
  • JM Livestock Hauling, Penn Valley, (916) 300-9744
  • Animal Carcass Removal, Grass Valley, (866) 487-3323
  • RB Hauling, Ione, (209) 986-2099

The Hay Road Landfill, located at 6426 Hay Road, Vacaville, accepts animal remains:

  • You must call the Hay Road Landfill Special Waste Department at (707) 564-8437
  • Animal remains must be scheduled so that the drop off occurs prior to 8:00 AM
  • Transportation may be provided either by licensed operators or by individuals.
  • All loads must be tarped.
  • The driver must be prepared to unload the animal(s) without assistance.
  • Dead animals loads at Hay Road Landfill will cost $65 per ton or $35 for loads less 1,000 lbs.
  • Cash is not currently accepted due to COVID-19. Pay with local check or credit card.

On-Site Burial of Livestock Remains:

  • How to Bury
    Each animal should be buried in a separate pit, unless mass burial is found necessary in an emergency situation to protect public health or the health of other livestock or wildlife.
  • How Deep
    Deep enough to cover the top of the carcass with 3-6 feet of compacted soil and earth, and in an area not likely to be disturbed in the near future.
  • Where
    Far enough from standing or flowing or ground water to prevent contamination of these waters and in an area not likely to be disturbed in the near future.
  • Suggested set-backs:
    • Property lines 25 feet
    • Streams, creeks, ponds, lakes (high water mark) 100 feet
    • Water wells, springs 150 feet, downslope
    • Ground water (min. distance pit-water) 5 feet
    • Major cuts or embankments 25 feet
    • Dwelling units 100 feet
    • Other structures 25 feet
    • Roads, highways 0.25 miles
    • Parks 0.25 miles


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