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Posts Tagged: apps

For the naturally curious

Adding a new observation on the iphone app for others to see and comment.Whether you are enjoying a family day at the beach or a hike through the woods, the pictures you take not only document your memories, but they also capture observations in nature. The relatively new website, iNaturalist, creates a forum for the public to be able to share those photos as a living record of our environment.

iNaturalist works in three different ways. You can post your own observations by creating a free account and uploading a picture of a beautiful patch of wildflowers or a type of bird you have never seen before. Other users can then comment on your photo and also help you identify the species you observed. You can also use the site to explore your neighborhood, community, or state by using the map to see where recent observations have been made or search by species to view the beautiful and strange creatures captured on camera. Lastly, you can create or join a project to pool your observations with others and help land managers and scientists track changes in biodiversity.

iNaturalist differs from other recent web-based resources out of the University of California to collect natural resource data from the public because it functions as a place for the public to learn about the environment around them through a collaborative social platform. It is also different in its environmental application since it does not focus specifically on invasive species, such as UC Berkeley’s Oakmapper and UCLA’s What’s Invasive, but all species of plant and wildlife.

First conceived as the Master's final project of Nate Agrin, Jessica Kline, and Ken-ichi Ueda at UC Berkeley's School of Information, iNaturalist was established in 2008. Currently Ken-ichi maintains the site in collaboration with Scott Loarie, a climate change researcher at the Carnegie Institution. An iphone app hit stores this past February so people can make photo observations on the go and upload pictures they take on their phone directly to the site.

“Having an app is important,” Ken-ichi notes. “We’re such a good platform for citizen science monitoring efforts and the app definitely enhances this ability.”

Two projects that stand out with regular contributors include the Pepperwood Monitoring Project on the Pepperwood Preserve and the Jasper Ridge Preserve Project on the Jasper Ridge Biological Reserve, both of which focus on tracking plant and animal data on their properties.

Currently the site has just under 1,000 registered users with an average of 100 to 150 unique users entering the site everyday and over 13,600 observations. So no matter if environmental science is your professional field, your passion, or you need help identifying the weeds that keep growing in your yard, iNaturalist is a helpful learning tool.

For more information or to join iNaturalist, please visit The iNaturalist app can be downloaded for free from the iTunes app store.

Posted on Wednesday, April 27, 2011 at 12:12 PM
  • Author: Jaime Adler
Tags: apps (2), iNaturalist (4), Oakmapper (1)

Want to report SOD? We’ve got an app for that!

When the great outdoors is your research laboratory, gathering data can be a challenge. To get a broader perspective on the extent of damage caused by sudden oak death, a UC Berkeley Cooperative Extension geographer is using crowd sourcing to enhance her research on the disease that has killed over a million of California’s iconic oak trees since 1995.

Maggi Kelly, UC Berkeley Cooperative Extension specialist, started collecting data from community members through her OakMapper website in 2001. Now she has a mobile application for smartphones


While out in a park or forest, iPhone users can use the new OakMapper mobile app to report sightings of trees killed by Phytophthora ramorum, the plant pathogen that causes SOD. Onsite, participants can note the symptoms they see, such as seeping, bark discoloration, crown discoloration, dead leaves, shoot die-back, fungus, beetle frass and beetle bore holes.

The OakMapper app, created by scientists in the UC Berkeley Geospatial Innovation Facility, uses the phone's built-in GPS to identify the participant’s location when the data is submitted.

They also can describe the environmental setting, such as residential landscape or natural forest.

“Many of the challenging natural resource problems that we face today – like invasive species, fire, climate change – are large in spatial scale and impact diverse public groups,” said Kelly, director of the UC Berkeley Geospatial Innovation Facility. “Addressing these challenges often requires coordinated monitoring, efficient data collection, and increased communication and cooperation between scientists and citizens.

Science can benefit from your powers of observation. We all benefit by becoming informed about problems such as sudden oak death.

If you are like me, a person who sometimes doesn’t recognize coworkers outside the office, you may choose a spectator role. You can use the app to look at the maps to see where SOD is taking down trees.

For more information about OakMapper and its app, visit The OakMapper app can be downloaded for free from the iTunes app store.

I’ve heard of two other apps developed at UC to collect natural resources-related data from other scientists and interested members of the public.

You can use UCLA’s What’s Invasive apps to report locations of top invasive plants and animals, which compete with California’s native fauna and flora. By submitting location data and setting up top invasive lists for your area, you can assist scientists monitoring the spread of the destructive invasive plants and animals. Images and brief descriptions in the app help with identification. The apps are free and available for the Android and iPhone.

Soon you will be able to report roadkill sightings on your iPhone. The UC Davis Road Ecology Center has submitted to the iTunes store an iPhone app for reporting roadkill. Until the app becomes available sometime in January, you can report your observations to the California Roadkill Observation System via the Web at

Another cool app has been developed by the UC Davis Soil Resource Laboratory to deliver information to scientists, growers and gardeners about the properties of their soil. While standing in the field, the user can receive location-based information on a GPS-enabled cell phone. The app is available for free for iPhone and Android OS platforms.

Which science-related apps are you using? You can share them in the comments section or e-mail me at

Posted on Wednesday, December 22, 2010 at 6:33 AM
Tags: apps (2), invasive species (19), Maggi Kelly (7), roadkill (3), soil (23), sudden oak death (38)

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