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Posts Tagged: wreath

Decorations from the Master Gardener Garden

Why you may ask would several Master Gardeners be spray painting dried agapanthus, hydrangeas, sedum, and so much more in the rain and wind?

Well there is a simple answer; the Master Gardener’s 19th annual Wreath Workshop is just around the corner. We are getting things ready so that you can participate in making a beautiful wreath for your home, what better way to start the holiday season?

To do this, we start by drying some plants we have grown in our gardens. The dried foliage and flowers that look good get to stay their natural color when dried. The not-so-good looking dried materials get spray painted different colors. In addition to the materials mentioned, we also have magnolia leaves, Deodora cones, statice, as well as other plants. The pine cones are of various sizes and we have been painting them to look like they have been dusted by snow. There will be ribbon in a multitude of colors for bows.

Prior to the actual date of the Wreath Workshop, which is December 7, 2013; Master Gardeners will spend 3 days gathering greens. They will then cut materials to a size that is manageable for wreath making, and finally, boxing them. In this box of foliage you might also find in addition to the redwood, some lavender or rosemary.

If you have never attending this Wreath Workshop, this is what you can expect to get for the fee that you will pay: a banana box filled with greenery, a wire wreath frame, paddle wire and all sorts of natural decorations and a bow. Refreshments will be served throughout the event. There will be Master Gardeners to help if you need a refresher on how to make a wreath.

The event is being held at the Buck Mansion Carriage House in Vacaville, December 7, 2013 from 1-4 pm. Space is limited to sign up now! Here is link to the website to sign up for this fun event. Http://

You can also call Jennifer Baumbach at 707-784-1321 for addition information.

A variety of plant materials that have been sprayed. (photos by Toni Greer)
A variety of plant materials that have been sprayed. (photos by Toni Greer)

Artichokes, cones, etc.
Artichokes, cones, etc.

Posted on Monday, November 25, 2013 at 8:26 AM

Natural Decorations for the Wreath Workshop

The wreath workshop is just days away.  Master Gardeners have been busy gathering  redwood, rosemary, lavender, Nadine and so much more  greenery for people that attend  to make a wreath of their own design.

Starting in late October-early November the Master Gardeners have been busy cutting drying, and spraying decorations for you to choose from to add to your wreath.  We have agapanthus heads, hydrangea flowers, statice, lavender, pine cones, and so much more (feathers, grass flowers). In addition, participants are welcome to bring any items they have from home that they would like to add to their wreath.  There are assorted colors of ribbon that can be made into bows to complement your wreath .

Food did I mention food?  Yes there will be food  and drinks for you to snack on, as you make your wreath. Complements of the Master Gardeners.

This event is held on the first Saturday of December at the Buck Mansion in Vacaville. Seating is limited to 40. If you have not registered on line this year to attend, it could be to late.  Here is the link Make sure you mark your 2013 calendar in late October or early November to watch for the announcement for 2013 so you don’t miss this fun event next year.

Various dried plants used for wreaths. (photos by Toni Greer)
Various dried plants used for wreaths. (photos by Toni Greer)

Dried ornamental pomegranates.
Dried ornamental pomegranates.

Posted on Tuesday, November 27, 2012 at 11:57 AM

Wreath Workshop 2012

The Wreath Workshop is a month away and Solano County Master Gardeners have been gearing up for this event since September. Ribbon has been purchased in assorted colors and spray paint that will blend and match has been chosen. Wreath forms and paddle wire have been ordered. The date is December 1st from 1PM to 4PM at the Carriage House on the Buck Mansion Estate in Vacaville, (225 Buck Avenue). Sign-ups are happening now.

A spray day was held to color dried items such as agapanthus, hydrangeas, seeds, pods and pine cones. These items will be available at the workshop to place in wreaths as decorations. Fruits such as lemons, limes, oranges, and quince will be dried to use as unique additions. Those making wreaths can bring their own decorations from home to personalize their wreath. There will be a table set-up and supported by Master Gardeners, who will be creating bows in assorted sizes and colors. If any participant needs assistance with their wreath, a Master Gardener will be available to help or give suggestions.

By the time the workshop arrives, the Master Gardeners have spent several days cutting and collecting greenery so the public will be able to create their own wreath. The greens will be packed into “banana boxes” and each participant will have a full box, a wreath frame and paddle wire. The decoration table will hold an assortment of dried flowers, fruits, and pods ready for embellishing. The “bow table” will have ready-made bows and custom-made bows will be available.

The kitchen will be filled with holiday goodies and drinks, providing lunch for all. Master Gardeners are known for their delicious appetizers and Christmas treats.

Master Gardeners will be showing up at the Carriage House at 10AM to set up and prepare for this yearly event. The wreath workshop of 2012 promises to be a fun-filled, fantastic event for all as it kicks off the 2012 holiday season.



MGs prepping the greens. (photos by Jennifer Baumbach)
MGs prepping the greens. (photos by Jennifer Baumbach)

A wreath with breath of heaven, redwood and sage.
A wreath with breath of heaven, redwood and sage.

Heavenly bamboo, redwood, Calamagrostis flowers, artichoke flower wreath.
Heavenly bamboo, redwood, Calamagrostis flowers, artichoke flower wreath.

A wreath maker with her finished product.
A wreath maker with her finished product.

Posted on Wednesday, October 31, 2012 at 10:53 AM

Wreaths-the follow up

Well, on December 3, the Master Gardeners celebrated their 21st Wreath Workshop. There were 40 wreath makers in attendance and they created some of the most fabulous wreaths!  Each were given a box of redwood, a wire wreath frame and paddle wire.  They could also choose from 'extra' greens, which were: heavenly bamboo (Nandina domestica), Breath of Heaven (Coleonema spp.), Sweet bay (Laurus nobilis), Eucalyptus, Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), Lavender (Lavandula spp.), and Yew (Podocarpus gracilior)-to name a few. Each person had access to the same materials, along with natural decorations, but each wreath came out very unique-especially to that persons' creativity.  Below is a sampling of the wreaths made at the event this year.

Purple, gold and green wreath. (photos by Sharon Leos)

Happy wreath maker with her pink and green wreath.

This sparkly red and green wreath was a stunner.

Agriculturally themed wreath with artichoke flower, oranges, and grasses.

Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2011 at 9:25 AM

Preparing for the Wreath Workshop

It's holiday time and the Master Gardeners have been hard at work preparing for our annual wreath workshop.  December 3 is the day that the Buck Mansion Carriage House in Vacaville will be all a buzz with the people making their own holiday wreath.

Prior to the actual day, a lot of work goes into preparing for this workshop by the Master Gardeners.  In late October and early November a message was sent to all the Master Gardeners, telling them when it’s time to prune any plants in their yards to remember the wreath workshop and to collect any that can be dried to use to decorate the wreaths.  Twice in November, some Master Gardeners met and spray  painted almost  every color on some of the plants that had been collected and dried.  Some of the hydrangeas that looked good were left in their natural state. Other hydrangeas, agapanthus, lavender, agastache, lions tail, sedum, and so much more were sprayed for the participants to add to their wreaths.  There will bows of different colors that can also be added.

Late November it was time to cut the greens. We met at a local spot and with permission from the owner we filled a truck and trailer with redwood boughs, we were very careful and only took what was needed and did the look of the spot.  We did such a good job; you could not tell we had been there.  This trailer of redwood was then taken to a spot in Vacaville, to be soaked overnight and cut the next day to be cut into manageable pieces for the wreath makers to use.  After being cut the pieces were boxed in banana size boxes along with other green that had been gathered and transported to the Buck Mansion.

So December 3rd we were ready for a fun start to the holidays, wreath making with all the bows and decorations you might want.  Oh and of course food as well.

(l-r) Spent garlic chives, sedum, agapanthus sitting atop hydrangea, and dried sunflower in front. (photo by Jennifer Baumbach)
(l-r) Spent garlic chives, sedum, agapanthus sitting atop hydrangea, and dried sunflower in front. (photo by Jennifer Baumbach)

dried flowers sprayed colors

Posted on Friday, December 2, 2011 at 9:03 AM

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