Capitol Corridor
University of California
Capitol Corridor

Posts Tagged: trapdoor spider

Got Legs? Check Out Bohart Museum's Trapdoor Spider T-Shirt

Everyone's an arachnologist on Halloween! Ironically, some folks proclaim their hatred or disgust for all things spiders throughout the year, but...

Female Cryptocteniza kawtak discovered by UC Davis professor Jason Bond on a sandy beach at Moss Landing State Park, Monterey County. This is a new genus of trapdoor spider. (Photo by Jason Bond)
Female Cryptocteniza kawtak discovered by UC Davis professor Jason Bond on a sandy beach at Moss Landing State Park, Monterey County. This is a new genus of trapdoor spider. (Photo by Jason Bond)

Female Cryptocteniza kawtak discovered by UC Davis professor Jason Bond on a sandy beach at Moss Landing State Park, Monterey County. This is a new genus of trapdoor spider. (Photo by Jason Bond)

Posted on Monday, October 31, 2022 at 2:53 PM
Focus Area Tags: Environment, Family, Innovation, Natural Resources

Oh, Those Beach-Bum Spiders!

Halloween is over, but the misinformation spread about spiders never will be.  Some folks just despise spiders.  A...

Nature photographer Nicky Bay countered the Facebook post with this tweet. (Screen shot)
Nature photographer Nicky Bay countered the Facebook post with this tweet. (Screen shot)

Nature photographer Nicky Bay countered the Facebook post with this tweet. (Screen shot)

Posted on Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at 4:11 PM
Focus Area Tags: Environment, Innovation, Natural Resources

UC Davis Professor Jason Bond Publishes Trapdoor Spider Research (And Appears on TV)

It's out. The long-awaited scientific article on the new trapdoor genus (and species) that UC Davis Professor Jason Bond discovered on a sandy beach...

This is a female Cryptocteniza kawtak, discovered by UC Davis professor Jason Bond at Moss Landing State Park, Monterey County. (Photo by Jason Bond)
This is a female Cryptocteniza kawtak, discovered by UC Davis professor Jason Bond at Moss Landing State Park, Monterey County. (Photo by Jason Bond)

This is a female Cryptocteniza kawtak, discovered by UC Davis professor Jason Bond at Moss Landing State Park, Monterey County. (Photo by Jason Bond)

A screen shot of the TV program, Good Day Sacramento, featuring Jason Bond, the trapdoor spider he discovered, and the name-that-species contest.  See
A screen shot of the TV program, Good Day Sacramento, featuring Jason Bond, the trapdoor spider he discovered, and the name-that-species contest. See

A screen shot of the TV program, Good Day Sacramento, featuring Jason Bond, the trapdoor spider he discovered, and the name-that-species contest. See

Posted on Wednesday, October 7, 2020 at 2:52 PM
Focus Area Tags: Environment, Natural Resources

UC Davis Spider-Naming Contest: We Have a Winner!

Remember when UC Davis Professor Jason Bond discovered a new genus of trapdoor spider on a sandy beach at Moss Landing State Park,...

This is the female of the species,Cryptocteniza kawtak. (Image by Jason Bond)
This is the female of the species,Cryptocteniza kawtak. (Image by Jason Bond)

This is the female of the species,Cryptocteniza kawtak. (Image by Jason Bond)

This is the male of the species, Cryptocteniza kawtak. (Image by Jason Bond)
This is the male of the species, Cryptocteniza kawtak. (Image by Jason Bond)

This is the male of the species, Cryptocteniza kawtak. (Image by Jason Bond)

This is where UC Davis Professor Jason Bond discovered the new genus and species of a trapdoor spider. (Illustration by Jason Bond)
This is where UC Davis Professor Jason Bond discovered the new genus and species of a trapdoor spider. (Illustration by Jason Bond)

This is where UC Davis Professor Jason Bond discovered the new genus and species of a trapdoor spider. (Illustration by Jason Bond)

UC Davis alumnus Kirsten Pearsons, a
UC Davis alumnus Kirsten Pearsons, a "proud Aggie," surveys the Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center at Rock Springs; this is Penn State's research farm. She holds a doctorate in entomology from Penn State.

UC Davis alumnus Kirsten Pearsons, a "proud Aggie," surveys the Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center at Rock Springs; this is Penn State's research farm. She holds a doctorate in entomology from Penn State.

Posted on Monday, September 28, 2020 at 5:41 PM
Focus Area Tags: Environment, Natural Resources

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