Posts Tagged: Christofer Brothers
Dragonfly Enthusiasts, Unite! Open House Set Nov. 6 at Bohart Museum
If you dragonflies fascinate you, and you wish to know more about them, be sure to attend the Bohart Museum of Entomology open house at UC Davis...
This is an American rubyspot, Hetaerina americana, photographed at a small stream in the inner Coast Range. (Photo by Greg Kareofelas)
This is a river jewelwing, Calopteryx aequabilis, photographed at the Klamath River. (Photo by Greg Kareofelas)
This is a white-belted ringtail, Erpetogomphus compositus, photographed in a small stream in the inner Coast Range. (Photo by Greg Kareofelas)
This is a red flameskimmer, Libellula saturata, photographed in a Vacaville yard. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
This is the black petaltail, Tanypteryx hageni, an image from the Inner Coast Range. "It's seldom seen and our most primitive dragonfly," said Bohart Museum associate Greg Kareofelas. (Photo by Greg Kareofelas)