Capitol Corridor
University of California
Capitol Corridor

Become a Master Gardener

It's just about that time of year again.  The Master Gardener Program will start recruiting new people to be a part of the 2013 Master Gardener Training class.  In about a month, I will have the online applications ready for interested Solano County residents to apply.

The Master Gardener training class will begin in January, but there are a few steps before a person is seated as part of the training.  First, the application will be completed and turned in by October 31, 2012.  Once the applications are received, I will call and make interview appointments with the potential trainees.  These interviews will happen from November 5-9.  There will be a panel of 2-3 current Master Gardeners and myself who will do the interviewing. After the interviews are completed, the class will be picked.  Space is limited, so we will take approximately 20-25 new trainees.

There will be an orientation in mid-December, and after that, the new trainees will show up for their first class in January 2013.

The class fee is $125.00, which includes receiving your CA Master Gardener Handbook, Pests of the Landscape Trees and Shrubs book, class materials/handouts, fingerprinting, and your official name badge, once you successfully complete the final exam.

The training class will meet every Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.  They start early January and go through April.  There is a final exam, which is open book-open note-open resource, at the end of the training class and then a graduation ceremony about a week later.

Each class is a stand-alone, so if you miss one class, you can be left behind very quickly.  The instructors are packing into 4 hours of lecture, what a horticulture student might learn in a semesters worth of instruction for that particular topic.

Once a trainee has completed their final successfully, they are considered a certified Master Gardener and are then allowed to volunteer in the community-that is when the real fun begins!

If you have any questions, email me at

New Master Gardener Danielle talks with residents about worms and worm composting. (photos by Jennifer Baumbach)
New Master Gardener Danielle talks with residents about worms and worm composting. (photos by Jennifer Baumbach)

MGs Steve and Judy discuss a plant at our annual Public Plant Exchange.
MGs Steve and Judy discuss a plant at our annual Public Plant Exchange.

MGs Kris and Mollie doing a spring cleanup at our Children's Garden in Fairfield.
MGs Kris and Mollie doing a spring cleanup at our Children's Garden in Fairfield.

Posted on Friday, August 24, 2012 at 4:44 PM

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