Capitol Corridor
University of California
Capitol Corridor

Posts Tagged: West Nile virus

Going Green, Seeing Red

We're in a recession, but the mosquitoes aren't. The mortgage meltdown and the resulting green swimming pools are perfect breeding sites for...

Seeing Red
Seeing Red

SEEING RED--A blood-fed mosquito on a researcher's arm. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)

Posted on Friday, December 12, 2008 at 4:59 PM

What's Medical Entomology?

What's medical entomolology? Anyone who's an entomologist or who works in entomology is asked that question periodically. Medical, they know....

Thomas Scott in Kenya
Thomas Scott in Kenya

IN KENYA--UC Davis medical entomologist Thomas Scott, towers above schoolchildren in Kenya in a photo taken in 2004. (He's 6-foot, 6-inches tall.)

Mosquito that tranmits dengue
Mosquito that tranmits dengue

THE CULPRIT--This is the mosquito, Aedes egypti, that transmits dengue. UC Davis entomologist Thomas Scott is a leading authority on the mosquito and the disease. See (Photo by James Gathany, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Posted on Friday, October 31, 2008 at 12:17 PM

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