Capitol Corridor
Capitol Corridor
Capitol Corridor
University of California
Capitol Corridor

Public Plant Exchange

I just wanted to report to you about our Public Plant Exchange we had this past weekend.  It was widely publicized, but if you missed attending, here is what you missed. 

Two Master Gardeners discussing a plants attributes. (Photo by Jennifer Baumbach)

We have been doing the Public Plant Exchange for a few years now.  At first, we just exchanged plants internally amongst the Master Gardeners (MGs).  It became so popular with them, they wanted to share with the public.

The MGs love to propagate plants at home.  Many are experts at growing plants and love to share. So, they bring in to the exchange any plant, seed, cutting or bulb (including rhizomes, tubers and the like).  Knowing there are home gardeners out there who also like to do home propagation, we invite them to share their wares with the MGs.  We bring everyone together on one date to share their knowledge and exchange plants.  It is a free event we hold in the fall and sometimes the spring.

Home gardeners chosing plants they want to take home. (Photo by Jennifer Baumbach)

At our event we also have other items related to home gardening.  The MGs bring in their books, gardening tools, pots, and magazines.  This year we had a huge assortment!

We hope to plan another plant exchange for the spring, but if you're interested in attending one before then, I know of one happening in Oakland called the Lakeshore Avenue Free Neighborhood Plant Exchange.  Here is the information:  Saturday, October 15, 2011.  3811 Lakeshor Avenue (easy parking). From 12:00 noon until 4 p.m. For more information visit this site

Posted on Monday, September 26, 2011 at 8:52 AM
Tags: Master Gardeners (51), people (1), plants (44), shopping (2), Solano County (14)


Jennifer, great article and pictures

Posted by Betty Victor on September 26, 2011 at 2:42 PM

I was so dissapointed that I couldn't attend the plant exchange! Looks like everyone had a terrific time! Next year, for sure!

Posted by Kathy M Gunther on October 1, 2011 at 8:05 AM

is there an exchange this spring? i already missed oakland. is there one in solano,napa or marin? thanks

Posted by susan berry on April 19, 2012 at 11:46 AM

Ms. Berry  
Yes we are planning a plant exchange in September 2012.

Reply by Jennifer Baumbach on April 20, 2012 at 1:53 PM

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